So Kwok Kin was educated at the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Master of Architecture (2003) and is a Registered Architect in Hong Kong since 2007. He has over 15 years experience in architectural and urban planning practices, specializing on the design and project coordination of institutional, residential and commercial projects, as well as mixed-used comprehensive development in Hong Kong, mainland China and India. Locally, his projects are mainly education institutions including student hostels, science laboratories and academic buildings, notable the award-winning Academic Building (AC3) of The City University of Hong Kong. He is appointed as the co-chief curator of “HKIA Architecture Exhibition in Los Angeles” in 2019. AS well as one of the Curator for the Hong Kong Pavilion, in the Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition (La Biennale di Venezia, 2016).
Mr. So also has special interest in Art and Design. His artworks range from installations, public arts, sculpture, and ceramic art. Instead of restricted to a specific media, he reaches out to explore the relation of human and his environment using various forms of artistic expression. His core question is: How a person situates himself in time? He defines this as 3M in time: Present (Moment) / Past (Memory) / (Moral) on Future Generation. Mr. So’s works have been exhibited in galleries and architecture biennales.
Mr. So also actively involves in local community initiatives and launched the Hong Kong Green Map and Lohasian website.