Alex King is a product designer and worked extensively in Hong Kong and Shanghai in the field of product design. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Product Design and MBA in Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is specializing in universal design, sustainable design, health care product design. He has received numerous design awards over the past decade including Reddot Design Award 2020. Recently, he swept the Champion in Mobile Collection Points Design Competition organized by Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR, offering a flexible recycling solution for general public and recyclers. He was an awarded designer in New Business Ideas Incubation Circle, New World Development in 2017. In 2010, he designed a pair of ‘Broken Frame” to raise awareness on re-establishing human relationship ‘not with your eyes, but with your mind’. This makes him took a Silver Prize from OPUS JAPAN eyewear design competition. Alex promotes universal design since he joined MNC in telecommunication sectors.
Alex has substantial experience in teaching. He teaches bachelor courses in PolyU and Vocational Training Council and committed to contributing and promoting inclusive design and its application. He has successfully developed foundation design courses and e-learning programmes for part-time learners in Open University of Hong Kong and was nominated as subject officer on behalf of OUHK in Creative Industry Discipline of CreateHK. He is a full member of Hong Kong Designers Association, executive committee in Graphic Arts Association of Hong Kong. Recently, he is appointed as a design consultant in utilizing technologies to develop serious games for people with dementia as part of his PhD research study.